Ok, The first 3 months of this game was absolutely awesome, I got to screw around in black top. I got to develop my myplayer in my career. I also got to play quick games quite well, yet it seems that idea is no more. It originally happened that quick game would crash everytime tried to start a game, same with black top. I thought "well ok those werent my two favourite modes" so I thought maybe it would be patched. So I play my career and grind to an 83 overall shot creator and only 23years old. Then one day I go to play and bam, Crashes every time I load up the game. I was very chapped at this point. I waited and waited and still nothing goes into this game and now all I have is a crappy done season mode that doesnt even display standings correctly. Its a disappointment and until u fix these things I will not be a happy customer