The biggest thing Id change: During quarter changes and halftime we should get to change the lineup. It matters.. say you are getting killed in the rebounding and you want to put a player in with better rebounding, thats great but at the end of the quarter/half you have to burn a timeout or hope for a foul/out-of-bounds to get the change.
A lessor gripe but still a gripe...The amount of coin needed to make your player a star in MyPlayer is ridiculous. By the time he can fulfill his role on the team hes on the downward spiral to retirement.
One last change I would make. In season mode allow trades without messing up awards. Give the AI a simple need/player rank system to accept or deny trades.
Edited in: We seriously need an update. The only two modes I can play since last update are Season or Mycareer. The blacktop and quick game modes force close every time before it starts.
Puros_bran about NBA 2K17, v1.07