The game is amazing and I love how 2k added a nice my career mode thats polished for mobile. But unfortunately the game still has its overall issues. For example the fact that you can create a character that matches you is great but their needs to be updates that include extra items and features in the game. Now I understand bugs are a major problem in the game effecting most players but for those who dont have mush problem with bugs find the game boring at times. Also there is not enough feature such as hair or body shape to match me therefore my character does not feel unique. there is also a stat issue. When I first bought this game my first character made it to a 86 overall and my second character was a 94 overall playmaker. The problem is why cant our characters be upgraded to a 99 overall. Not to mention all my characters that Ive created our now like stuck at 78 overall and if I made two playmakers with the same height one would be worse than the other. Now I cant get any good gameplay with trashy characters. The in game gameplay is great but I hate that feeling when I feel that my character isnt even good or not worthy to be in the NBA. Other than that the game is great I just dont think the updates are helping the game move forward.
7eej123 about NBA 2K17, v1.07