The game CAN be a great game, theres just a few problems.
1. After you finish a Mycareer game its 50/50 shot if the game will freeze and you have to swipe up to restart and lose all the progress you made.
2. Perfect releases miss. FIX THIS. This is beyond infuriating and stuns me every time it happens(which is a lot).
3. Price for VC. This is a PHONE GAME, not console, and they want you to pay 20-40$ extra just so your Mycareer player can be decent. It is ridiculous.
Fix those 3 problems and the game will be worth a 5 star rating. But 2K17 doesnt care as long as they got your money. So dont expect any improvements.
Hfjcjfisvkdjfijsk jcjfos02848481 about NBA 2K17, v1.06